
VIA University College (UK)

A guide to UC Viden for students handing in their graduation projects

This guide is directed at students at VIA who are going to register their graduation project in UC Viden.

You can upload your project at this web-address: Digital registration of project You can also find the address at the library homepage and UC Viden students.

You can add several authors, supervisors and external partners for each project. Once you have filled out the pop-up box, you can click on the add-button and add a new person or partner.

All fields with a red star must be filled.

Explaining the headlines in the formular

  1. Type: Select type e.g. bachelor project or elective element programme.
  2. Education: Search for your education or choose VIA and then choose your education from the list.
Select education by searching or choose from the list.

If the education is offered in several places in VIA. Select final semester and location in the drop-down menu in the pop-up box.

  1. Author: You are the author of your project. If you are in a group, you are all authors. Only one of you have to upload the project. You can add several authors for each project. We recommend that you use your VIA email. Clik on ”Add author” and fill out the pop-up box for each author.
Fill out information: First name, last name, email and study number.
  1. Supervisors: Clik on ’Add supervisor’ for each of your supervisors. You can search on your supervisors name or initials. If you can't find your supervisor by name then choose  "Create external supervisor".
  2. Information:
    Title: Write the title both in the box marked with the Danish and the English flag. The English box is used to make your project visible on the English Student portal, and the Danish box to make your project visible on the Danish student portal.
    Abstract: Write an abstract, a summary or a short descriptive text. Please place your text both in the box marked with the Danish and the English flag.
    Publishing institution: Write VIA University College.
    Number of pages: Total page number without appendixes.
  3. Keywords: Keywords can be added from a list. Search or choose from the list by clicking at the symbol in front of the keywords. Select the chosen keyword and it will be transferred. You can add additional keywords. Free keywords can be added. Only one keyword per field. Use a lowercase initial letter for all words and write the words in plural.
  4. Files: The preferred format for uploaded text files is pdf. It is important that you gather the project in one pdf file. Appendixes can be upload in the separate field. You can create a zip file for the appendixes, if you have multiple large files.

    Decide ”Visibility” for your project. Choose one of three categories in the drop-down menu.
    When you upload your project, you have to decide to whom you will grant the permission to find and possibly read the project.
    ”Publicly available”; “Internal access”. Visible on a student portal for everybody at all university colleges in Denmark by login; ”Backend  restricted to PURE users” Visible for a few administrative employees in VIA.
Upload your file and choose visibility.
  1. External collaboration:
    It is important that you add external partners/collaborators. The definition of whether you should register an external cooperation is:  

    State yes to external collaboration if:
    • You collaborated with your place of internship, a place of business, an institution or school in order to write your problem statement.
    • You or your study group’s collaborator directly requests the finished product because of interest in your problem area and/or the results.

    State no to external collaboration if:
    • You have interviewed people for your assignment.
    • You have observed people for your assignment.
    • You have had an internship and through your internship got the idea for your problem statement.

    Specify if your project has an external collaborator. If you select "This project has an external collaborator" enter the institution’s or company's name.
If you have an external collaborator type the name in the text field.
  1. Associated research or development project: It is important that you indicate whether your project is associated with a research or development project in VIA.
    A research or development project is defined as:
    “Research and development includes: creative work undertaken on a systematic basis to increase the stock of knowledge and use of this knowledge to devise new applications."

    The definition of whether you should register is:
    You or your group has agreed with a teacher of VIA that your project is a part of the project, for example, to collect qualitative or quantitative data.
  2. Confidentiality: If your project or parts of your project are confidential,you have to mark this.The project will then only be available for a few administrative employees at the VIA University College.
  3. When you have filled out the form and uploaded your project, you can check the preview and then Save. Preview and view your data entry through. Once you have clicked Save, you have no option to edit. When choosing save a receipt for uploading the project will be sent to the email address you have provided.  

If you need help please contact your local VIA Library. Updated 03.07.2024

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