This guide is for students and employees , that want to have more knowledge on searching the database Business Source Premier.
Business Source Premier provides indexing and abstracts for over 3,000 business journals and full text for over 2,500 journals, including over 1,100 peer-reviewed journals.
Many of the journals are indexed back to the 1980s.
The database covers all disciplines of business including marketing, management, management information systems, production and operations management, accounting, finance, and economy. It provides access to journals such as Harvard Business Review, The Economist, and Newsweek.
In addition to journal articles, the database includes SWOT analyses, company profiles, and industry profiles.
The database is updated daily.
The search language is English. You may find articles in other languages in the search results.
Access to Business Source Priemier (Choose VIA University College as your institution. Use the same login as for MyVIA. Please fill in your whole email.)
? = replaces one character in the search term (eg. wom?n finds woman and women)
* = finds all endings of the search term (eg. market* finds market, markets, marketing, etc.)
- Type your search terms in the search bars
- Select a Field: Here you can define the fields that you are searching eg.: AB=abstract, SU=subject term
- You can combine your search terms using AND, OR, NOT. AND: Retrieves articles which include all the search terms, OR: Retrieves articles which include at least one of the search terms, NOT: Retrieves articles which include one search term but not the other
Search tips
- Phrase searching: Put quotation marks around two or more words to search them as a phrase (eg. ”market strategy”).
- Company Profiles: Search for a company name to find company profiles from MarketLine.
- Cited References: Allows you to make a citation search. For instance, you can search on a cited author or title. The search results give you references specifying the number of times the searched article has been cited in other publications.

Search results
- Refine Results: Allows you to refine your search results. For instance refine on publication year
- or add more subjects to your search.
- Access to articles: Choose PDF Full Text.
- If that is not a possibility: Choose to see if the VIA Libraries provide access to the full text.
Click on the title to get more information and options
Export: Allows you to export the reference to Mendeley or Zotero. Choose RIS Format.

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Need further help? Contact: Stine Godsk Skyum,Last updated august 2023