This guide in aimed at students who want to access CLO3D using the cloud solution. This guide will introduce you to the solution, how to use it and how to get help.
If you are looking for information on how to install CLO3D on your own computer click here.
CLO3D is a software solution that transforms 2D design ideas into 3D digital prototypes for the fashion and apparel industries. It provides a highly realistic visual representation of clothing and enables designers to visualize and experiment with styles, cuts, colours, and patterns without having to create physical samples. This significantly speeds up the design process, reduces waste, and allows for greater design exploration and innovation.
However, CLO3D is a resource-intensive application that requires high-end computer hardware for optimal performance. Not every user has access to such equipment, and this is where cloud computing comes in. By using the cloud, a slow computer can access CLO3D because all the heavy processing is done on powerful remote servers. This way, the user's device merely serves as an interface to access and control the software.
The solution is based on AppStream 2.0 and as of writing the minimum requirements are:
A stable internet connection with 10 Mb/s speed.
A HTML5-capable web browser on a desktop computer such as a Windows, Mac, Chromebook, or Linux computer. HTML5-capable web browsers that can be used include the following:
- Google Chrome
- Mozilla Firefox
- Safari
- Microsoft Edge
No browser extensions or plugins are required to use AppStream 2.0 in a web browser.
Users can also access AppStream 2.0 fleet streaming sessions on the following browsers and devices:
- Chrome or Safari on an iPad (iOS 11 or later)
- Android (Android 8 or later)
- Microsoft Surface Pro (Windows 10) tablet
AppStream 2.0 is not supported on devices that have screen resolutions smaller than 1024x768 pixels.
- On your computer, access
- Here you are prompted to log in using your VIA login - enter your login and click next:

- You are then prompted to accept a connection to AWS - Amazon will have none of your info, apart from your VIA email address - press accept.

- You should be greeted by the following screen, where you can access the virtual machine by clicking the app-icon.

Your browser should display a window akin to the one below, with a virtual desktop environment in the main window, and a toolbar in the top showing:
- An app launcher, which VIA doesn't utilize yet.
- A window switcher, if you find it hard to switch between your open windows on the virtual machine.
- A file explorer, which we will explore in the next paragraph.
- A clipboard enabling you to copy/paste between your local machine and the virtual one.
- Settings
- A fullscreen toggle
- A toggle for multiple monitors, enabling you to work on more than one monitor.
- A toggle for Fn shortcuts, your function-keys are made to only respond on your local machine, making some keyboard shortcuts hard to use.
- A profiles switch containing a button to end the session.
- A login screen, which you can read about here.
Using the Program
On the screen area below, the tool bar represents a screen on a computer in Frankfurt, to use it simply click the remote area and work away as you would otherwise, we recommend working in full screen mode (6) in the start, to get the hang of it.
Files and OneDrive
The remote machine has none of your files available, these are uploaded and downloaded manually via the file explorer (3).

If you work with your files both locally and on the cloud solution, this can be a tedious process, therefore we recommend using OneDrive as your storage solution.
VIA supplies you with 1 TB of cloud storage via OneDrive for as long as your are a student at our institution.
To set it up follow these steps, paying special attention to using your VIA login for both:
- Follow this guide on how to set up OneDrive on your personal computer.
- Follow this guide on how to log into your onedrive on the cloud solution.
Once you have followed the above guides, everything you have saved in the OneDrive folder on the cloud solution, should automatically show up on your local machine and vice versa.

Mac setup
The virtual machine runs windows, which means we have to change a few settings to make our experience a bit more seamless.
To enable the Alt key on the virtual machine:
- Gear
- Keyboard settings
- Use option as remote Alt Key

To enable right clicking, open settings and:
- Click Trackpad
- Select "Click with Two Fingers" under Secondary Click

The following error is caused by you not being placed in the correct administrative group - contact [email protected] or call +4587551212 to get this sorted out.

The client automatically switches between quality and speed of the experience, which can be hard to balance. If you experience latency we recommend:
- Clicking the gear icon
- Clicking streaming mode
- Choosing Best responsiveness.

CLO3D auto saves every ten minutes, you can find your recovered file under Documents\CLO\Assets_ver_x.x.x\Autosave.
You can read more about the auto save function and how to edit the frequency of these here.
If the above steps don't address your problem, don't hesitate to contact IT-support.
Please have a recording of your problem ready, so we have the best prerequisites for helping you.
Use the below steps to easily record your screen using teams:
- Start Teams and navigate to the Calendar tab on the left side of the app. Click on the "Meet Now" button in the upper right corner.
- Give your meeting a title, choose your audio and video settings, then select "Join Now".
- Once the meeting has started, click on the three-dot menu in the meeting controls then select "Start Recording".
- All meeting participants will be notified that a recording has started.
- Click on "Share", "Screen".
- Explain your problem as concisely as possible and show it on screen.
- To stop the recording, go back to the meeting controls and select the three-dot menu, then click "Stop Recording".
- Within a few minutes you will be notified by chat, with a link to the recording, which you can share with support.