This guide is aimed at students and employees who need to access the timetable and booking of group rooms through TimeEdit.
Students attending the following campuses have the option of booking group rooms:
- Ikast
- Silkeborg
- Aarhus N
On the other campuses it is "first come, first served".
This also means that you, as a student, must be aware of which campus you are booking group rooms on.
As a rule you access your timetable at under the menu - Calendar.
However, there may be a need to be able to see your timetable in another way and for that the VIA system uses TimeEdit. In this system you can see your timetable and book group rooms.
Log on to
- Select VIA University College as your oranisation.
- Press Continue.

- Select Viewer.

- Select the association you have with VIA.

If you are not logged in, you will be asked to log in with your VIA ID and password.
- Select Skema to view your timetable.
- Enter your class number/study activity.
- Select Search.
- The result is displayed here.
- Mark your timetable so that it appears under My selections.
- Select Show Timetable (Vis Skema).
- It is possible to choose several classes.
You will now be shown the timetable and you can navigate around.
- You can change which week you want to display.
- You can see which timetable you are shown.
- You can jump back and forth.
There may be situations where it is smart to be able to display both your timetable and the timetable of one of your teachers.
For example if you have to book your teacher for a guidance meeting.
Display of your timetable with specific teacher highlighted.

Display of combined timetables for your study and a teacher - can be used to find available times for an extra lesson.

Viewing summary form for multiple items.

List display of class timetable, filtered by specific teacher.

Log on to
- Select VIA University College as your oranisation.
- Press Continue.

- Select Viewer.

- Select the association you have with VIA.

If you are not logged in, you will be asked to log in with your VIA ID and password.
- Select Book a group room.

You can search for the different group rooms in different ways.
- Enter the name of the group room you want to find.
- View an overview of group rooms at address.
- Select the desired week display for the group rooms.
- You can see if it is available.
As a student, you can only have one open booking and can only book 14 days ahead.
- Further down the page you can see your reservations.
- The small icon (i) next to the group rooms shows information about the room's capacity.
- Select X to close the information again.
- Select the date next to the group room you wish to reserve.
- Fill in the time.
- Select Reserve to book the group room.
You will now receive a confirmation of your booking, in which you can see:
- The date.
- The time.
- The room.
- Reserve more.

- You can see your reservations at the bottom of the booking page.
- Select a booking to open it up.
- Select Edit/Cancel the reservation if you wish to change it.
- Correct date and time.
- Select Done to accept the change.
- Select Cancel the reservation to delete it.

- If you choose Cancel the reservation in point 6 above, you must confirm that you want to cancel the reservation.

- The reservation is now canceled and you can close the message box.