
VIA University College (UK)

Group Folders on the Q-drive

This guide is intended for teachers and students who want to create Group Folders on one of VIA's file servers, in which it is possible to save data and share it with fellow students in small groups.
This guide describe how you create, manage and use Group Folders.

To have access to your Group Folders, you must be connected to VIAs Wi-Fi at one of VIA's addresses or be logged on to the VPN. Learn more about accessing VPN in the section: Access to Group Folders outside VIA's addresses via VPN.

Which students have access to Q-drive?

The following groups of student have access to the Q-drive:

  • Students in the Constructing Architect program in Aarhus, Horsens and Holstebro
  • Students in Architectural Tech and Construction Management program
  • Students in the Beklædningshåndværker program in Herning and Aarhus C
  • Student in the Kort- og landmålingstekniker program

Rules for Group Folder/Project Folder

Students who want to create a Group Folder must go to the page: https://my.via.dk under IT

NB! When you create a Group Folder/Project Folder, you must be aware of the following:

  • The name of the folder must be unique.
  • If the desired folder name already has been used, then your folder will not be created and you will not receive an error message about it!
  • It must contain upper and lower case letters (a-z).
  • It must not contain Æ, Ø, Å, spaces or special characters such as - + _ ~ . , ( ) [ ] & % # !
  • It can contain numbers.
  • It is not possible to delete or rename a folder!
  • A maximum of 10 Gb of data can be stored in each GroupFolder.

How to create a Group Folder/Project Folder

  1. Enter the desired name for the folder in the box next to the folder name.
  2. Click on Create project folder

After approximately 5 minutes the folder will be visible and you will be able to add members to your Group Folder / Project folder.

Add members to Group Folders

You can add members to your folders by:

  1. Click on the GroupFolder you want to add members to
  1. To add a member/a fellow student to your Group Folder/Project Folder simply enter the VIA ID
  2. Choose Add.
  3. To remove a member click on X

Open software for students/Group Folders/Project Folders from the desktop on your computer

To open the folders which you have access to from your own computer, it is an advantage to create at desktop short cut on your computer desktop. (The example is based on a Windows computer)

  1. Right-click on the desktop select New
  2. Select Shortcut
  1. Type
    • \\uv-fil01.via.dk\GroupFolders (for the new groups created on myVIA)
    • \\uv-fil01.via.dk\Horsens (Campus Horsens)
    • \\uv-fil01.via.dk\Holstebro (Campus Holstebro)
    • \\uv-fil01.via.dk\Herning (Campus Herning)
    • \\uv-fil01.via.dk\AarhusC (Campus Aarhus C)
  2. Choose Next
  1. Enter a name for the shortcut
  2. Choose Finish

Now you have a desktop shortcut to your Group Folder

Access to Group Folders outside VIA's addresses via VPN

If you are not at a VIA address or are not on a VIA Wi-Fi network, you can still gain access to the Group Folders. However, this requires that you are connected to VPN. You can find more information about VPN at VIA in this guide: VPN - Virtual Private Network

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