
VIA University College (UK)

Guide for Print.via.dk

This guide is aimed at students and prepares you to use the website Print.via.dk, where you for example can download a print driver and see how much you have printed for.

The printing solution VIA uses is called PaperCut.


Go to print.via.dk, and select English under Language Select.

Get access with your VIA login.


You will be welcomed by a summary of your own consumption.

Out on the left is the menu bar.

Information about copy and print usage

  1. Summary: shows the Balance, the total number of print jobs and pages you have printed.
  2. Transfers: allows you to send a part of your printing balance to another student.
    This can be useful if there is one student who prints for the group.
  3. Transaction History: indicates a log of all print jobs and transactions.
  4. Recent Print Jobs: indicates detailed information on copy-,print and scanning jobs performed recently.
  5. Jobs Pending Release: indicates the print jobs, that has been sent and are ready to be released at a copier or plotter.
  6. Vejledninger-Stud: click on the link and you will be directed to the guides for students regarding copy, print and scan.

Features for printing

  1. Web Print: Using Web Print, the file to be printed, is uploaded. The function can be used from devices where a print driver for VIA PaperCut solution are not or cannot be installed.
  2. PaperCut Print Deploy: Clicking on one of the 2 functions for print deployment an installation file for the selected print solution(Windows or MAC) is uploaded.
    With the installation file the print driver can be installed on your computer
    When the file is downloaded, click on the file and the installation process starts.
  3. Mobil/IPAD Print Link: When the function is clicked, a website opens up where you can install the print driver on a mobile phone or tablet. Choose which operating system (Windows, Mac, Android or iOS) you use and follow the instructions on the page.
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